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Friday, 8 August 2008

It’s always clever

Hello many of you have heard about the story of a clever Crow which puts some small pieces of stone in a pot to drink water. But this is Crow with a stick.

On August 6th of 2008 around 04:00 PM. I was waiting for Kochivali Express in Bangalore City Railway station a Crow which was in Platform with a 2 feet long stick in his mouth, more then 3 minutes passed suddenly it begins to fly with that stick , while it was flying it started to balance with that stick to fly perfect , it was using many techniques with that small and thin stick like a circus person on a rope it was amazing to see that crow and it went to the roof of the railway platform and started to built his nest .

This shows the confident of that crow while flying, when ever we start something to do we should not drop it unless until we reach the goal, this was a lesson from crow .

Watch the activities of the crow if you get a chance. It will be really interesting.

Crow is always Clever.


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